Friday, January 21, 2011

You can never have too much Nutella.

I successfully completed my first week of college in Italy. In light of this, Auriel, Sarah and I headed out for another walking adventure. Our goal was to find the Burger King across town. After getting slightly lost we found Burger King and learned there are not many differences between an Italian and American Burger King. They do not have mustard, but instead serve beer on tap. We finished our journey at a yogurt gelateria called D’Angolo’s. Since it had been rainy and cold, the shop had not had many visitors. Ergent, the owner, gave us our gelato and taste tests of all of the flavors free of charge because we kept him company. I am learning having a great study abroad experience is all about getting to know the locals. When we were leaving, I noticed tubs of Nutella that were 5 killograms large. I asked Gent where I could find a tub of Nutella that large. He informed me that only vendors could purchase them, but if I wanted he would pick one up for us next time. We unfortunately had to decline the offer as we knew we could not finish that much Nutella in a semester. I guess he saw the disappointment in my face and surprised us by handing me an empty tub!

Another exciting thing… I met Rick Steves’ son, Andy. For those who have not heard of Rick Steves, he is a big name in tourism and traveling. He has many television shows and has written many books on traveling. Andy has his own company targeted towards study abroad students that plans weekend traveling adventures. My roommates and I are thinking about going on one of his trips to the Swiss Alps.

I heard it is around -5 degrees around Chicago. It is pretty cold here too……45 degrees today. Stay warm!


  1. Well, you're right that's a lot of Nutrella; Hope you get to enjoy the weekend; looking forward to more pics and hearing about new "adventures";

  2. You are having so much fun! I'm loving hearing about your adventures :-) Miss you!!!! -Swamps
