Yesterday was a day I will never forget. Not because I was in Rome, but because I feel like I walked to Tahiti all by myself…
It all started when I decided to delay working on some homework with a classmate. If I would have agreed to do it on Friday I would have had a short three minute walk to campus. Instead I chose to do it on Saturday. Unfortunately it was raining and thus my Italian friend, Claudia, could not take her Vespa out. It was only after I agreed to meet her at her own coffee shop that I realized that it was located clear across the city of Rome. Reluctantly, with my Totes umbrella in hand and a map in my pocket, I began my first solo and longest trip thus far through Rome.
Although the hour walk was uneventful, once I arrived I realized walking uphill through the rain was worth it! Claudia and her family own and manage a restaurant called The Yellow Bar. In Italy bars are not like American bars. They are more comparable to what we know as a café or restaurant, although they still serve alcohol. The Yellow Bar was nicely decorated and had an older looking bar. I was also at home with American music I was familiar with that was playing. Claudia made me my first cappuccino which was delicious. Luckily, she also walked me two blocks to the bus station, showed me which bus to get on, when to get off and helped me get my ticket. I was back in ten minutes.
Moral of the story: Do not procrastinate….and learn the bus routes.
Sounds like you burned a few calories to make room for some more Gelato!